Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where are you, Baby Scout?

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I am starting this blog a day after your due date but don't worry, I promise that I won't hold that against you.

Throughout the last nine months, I've had a million thoughts running through my mind as any first time mother would, I suppose.  Some definitely more significant than others.  Will I have a son or daughter on the other side of this pregnancy?  Will I be a good mother?  How will I know if you're too hot or cold at night?

In recent days, I've been consumed with thoughts of seeing you.  Will you have blue eyes?  Will you have your father's beautiful fair Irish skin?  How about my full lips? or bald?  The reality is none of these things really matter to us because you will be our son or daughter and that in and of itself is enough.  It's just that I've felt you kicking for so many months, and I'm definitely ready to see who's been jabbing me this whole time!

Throughout the pregnancy we've loosely called you "Scout" after the character in To Kill a Mockingbird.  Ever since I read the book in middle school, I've fantasized about having a child like Scout.  I hope that as parents we are able to raise you to be an unusually intelligent,  confident, thoughtful and good member of society...within your individual terms.  That's what matters most to me, and I hope as your mother, I can help you to be all of those things and more.

I already love you more than I could've ever imagined, and I cannot wait to see your little face.  Let's just make it sooner rather than later, ok?